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Autor: Cobain (Občasný) - publikováno 22.3.2001 (00:05:33), v časopise 22.3.2001


Curriculum Mansonae

You can hate him, you can love him – he truly is the ”KING OF SHOCK”, scary hermaphrodite, alien, parasite, a jellyfish with cobras instead of hair, calling himself ”GOD OF FUCK”. He is a thread for parents and older people, but he also is an extraordinarily smart and skilled artist, composer, singer, and his new album HOLY WOOD (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death) is excellent proof that he is not just a weirdo or a freak.

MARILYN MANSON (his real name is Brian Warner) was born on FEB 5, 1969 in Canton (OHIO). His pseudonym Marilyn Manson he got from Marilyn Monroe – an actress, and Charles Manson – a psychopathic mass killer. Since his childhood he was fascinated with the 60s – JFK assassination, the end of hippies era, Vietnam War, and Charles Manson’s massacres.

In 1979 his father, Vietnam War veteran, took him to Brian’s first concert – KISS. Right after that little Brian started to listen to AC/DC, Black Sabbath, and Iron Maiden.

In 1987- he moved to Fort Lauderdale (FL) where he worked in a music store and later he started to publish articles about music in a magazine ”Tonight Today”.

In 1989-MM founded his first band in Jacksonville (FL) called Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids. MM’s fellow band members were Scott Putesky alias Daisy Berkowitz (guitar), Zsa Zsa Speck (keyboard), and Brad Stewart alias Gidget Gein (bass guitar). The style of the band was mainly violence, sadomasochistic elements, and massive consumption of drugs and alcohol.

1994-their first album was released ”The Portrait of American Family”…the name of the band was shortened just to MARILYN MANSON.

1995-another ”minialbum” called ”Smells Like Children” was released, and attracted attention of diverse religious associations. MM met Anton Szandor LaVey-Satanist Church highest priest, who accepted him to become a member of the Church of Satan as ”Reverend Manson”.

1996-MM’s 3rd album ”Antichrist Superstar” was released, and there are still 5 million CD’s sold every year.

1998-an autobiographical book called ”The Long Hard Road Out of Hell” was published, and short after MM came out with new album ”Mechanical Animals”.

1999-a tragedy at Columbine High School (COL) – two psychopathic guys killed 12 of their classmates, and a teacher and finally committed suicide. They wore MM’s T-shirts and MM was indirectly accused as an initiator of the act. After this MM’s concerts were more shocking and provoking than ever before.

2000-MM’s first ”live” album ”The Last Tour on Earth” was released and finally on NOV 14, a great holiday for all MM’s fans – His new album HOLY WOOD (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death) was released.

2001-FEB 11, MM had his concert in Prague.

Poznámky k tomuto příspěvku
Čtenář - 1.3.2003 > mar1lyn man5on je prostě ten nejdrsnější típek, kterého znám, protože ukazuje své pravé já a nepřetváří se a že je satanista na tom nic není. Každý v něco věříme a jen tak mimochodem si někdy přečtěte Satanskou bibli a sami uvidíte na jaké straně je a co zastává! Kundimír
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*** (Občasný) - 13.9.2002 > Mansona nemam osobne prilis rada.Hudba je dobra(mezi me oblibene patri ale jen predelavky,napr.Sweet dreams),nesnasim jeho image.Nechat si vyoperovat ar zeber,aby si ho mohl sam kourit,to je dost ulitly.Nemyslis?
 čtenář Azazel - 20.11.2003 > ***> Marilyn Manson si nikdy nenechal vyoperovat žebra,sám to popřel,a navíc,viděla si snad že by měl jizvy?Všechno je to jenom fáma kterou si vymyslely sinoistycko-křesťanské organizace a anti-mansonisti, aby poškodily Mansona, což jim moc nepomohlo.říkali i jiné věci, např. že Manson obcuje z ovcí, znásilňuje mladé panny a malé chlapečky a další kecy.Jsou to pokrytci a ty taky jestli tomu věříš bez toho, aniž by sis přečetla Mansonovu autobiografii (pokud ovšem umíš anglicky).
čtenář pavel - 22.7.2008 > Azazel: o Mansonovi koluje hodně fám, taky že prý roztrhal šteně na pódiu, nebo kočku, ale to je blbý pomluva, ale s těma žebrama, můžete mět pravdu oba dva, protože se to dá kosmeticky odstranit ty jizvy, víš jak to myslím
marjanka (Občasný) - 24.3.2001 > Ač jsem na angličtinu naprosto tupá, tomuhle jsem rozuměla:) Mansona znám hlavně z triček své ségry, která se pravidelně mění ze sladké bílé cukrářky v podivné černé individuum ověšené pentagramy a obrácenými kříži:)))
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