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tranzit talk / Livia Paldi / cafe fra / 3.3. 2006
Autor: drfaust info (Občasný) - publikováno 2.3.2006 (19:01:00)
tranzit talk
Livia Paldi
temata jsou obecna ale vypoved by mela byt vzdy osobni
03.03.2006, 19.00
Kavarna Fra, Safarikova 15, 120 00, Praha 2
Livia Paldi /*1967, zije a pracuje v Budapesti,  Od roku 1997
do roku 2000 byla jednou z  reditelek Institutu pro soucasne umeni
v  Dunaujvarosi. V roce 2000/2001 se zucastnila   De Appel
Curatorial Training Programme.
2001 az 2005 pracovala jako
kuratorka  v Ljubljani  a Budapesti. Pravidelne prispiva do
casopisu  a katalogu. Poradala vystavy: Modesty  (spolu s  Gregorem
Podnarem) Pavel Haus, Laafeld and Mala galerija /galerija Škuc,
Ljubljana  2002/2003: Green box, Trafo Gallery, Budapest, 2004 and
Surfacing as part of the Who if not we?  Series, Ludwig
Museum Budapest, 2004 and Sekond Prezent, Trafo  Gallery, Budapest
2005.  Od roku 2005    pracuje jako kuratorka  v Kunsthalle
Budapest. Byla editorkou  knih: Marjetica  Potrc: Last Stop, 2006,
Kiosk.exhibition catalogue, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana a Revolver,
Frankfurt, 2003. 2002-2005 spolupracovala na  East Art Map,
projektu skuoiny Irwin.
diskuse bude probihat v anglickem jazyce
tranzit je iniciativa v oblasti soucasneho umeni, kterou podporuje
ceska sporitelna a.s., erste bank group a slovenska sporitelna,
tranzit talk
Livia Paldi
series of talks: topic might be general but statements should always
be personal   
03.03.2006, 19.00
Cafe FRA, Safarikova 15, 120 00 Prague 2
Livia Paldi /*1967, lives  and works in Budapest, between
1997-2000 was co-director of Institute of  Contemporary
Art-Dunaujvaros.Participated in De Appel Curatorial Training
Programme in 2000/2001.  Between 2001 and 2005 worked as a
freelance curator and critic based in Ljubljana and Budapest. She
regulary contributes to magazines and catalogues. She has curated
Modesty (together with Gregor Podnar)  Pavel Haus, Laafeld and Mala
galerija / galerija Škuc, Ljubljana 2002/2003: green box, Trafo
Gallery,  Budapest, 2004 and Surfacing as part of the Who if not
we? Series, Ludwig Museum Budapest, 2004  and Sekond
Prezent, Trafo Gallery, Budapest 2005. Since September 2005 she has
been working as a  curator in the Kunsthalle Budapest. She has
edited Marjetica Potrc: Last Stop: Kiosk.exhibition catalogue,
Moderna galerija, Ljubljana and Revolver, Frankfurt, 2003. She was
collaborating editor in East Art Map,  a project by Irwin,
discussion going to be held in english
tranzit is a contemporary art initiative supported by
ceska sporitelna, a.s., erste bank group and slovenska sporitelna,

Poznámky k tomuto příspěvku
imré madáh (Občasný) - 3.3.2006 > Znám se s ní osobně
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